Thursday, April 9, 2015

Funny Tshirts

Many of us, why- most of us love our T-shirts so much that we promise to cherish them forever, but sadly, there does come a day when we have to part with them. That day however can be delayed a bit if we care for them. Wash your tee in lukewarm water using the right detergent. The ones that we use to wash our hands with seems to be a good option. If you do want to use the washing machine then choose the delicate cycle but do avoid the dryer. Hang it out to drip dry—away from the sunlight. Pack it carefully and keep it away from dust and moths and ensure that your vintage funny tshirts look just the way you want them to.

T-shirts, also commonly known as tees, can be dated as far back as the 1920s when they were first invented. They are typically made from cotton, polyester, or a mix of both of these materials. The types made from knit fabrics are usually stretchable. funny tshirts come in a multitude of colours, patterns and styles, and are an extremely versatile piece of clothing that huge huge mass appeal to all age groups. They can be worn as outerwear or innerwear. Although mostly associated with short sleeves, a round neck and no collar, it is now also fairly common place to see long sleeved shirts with collars or v-neck shirts, which are also very common fashion accessory. We also see a lot of popularity with hoodies, tank tops, scoop necks and open collar shirts. The versatility of t-shirts is almost endless.

Today, very often t-shirts are been used to communicate a message, and are more than just a portable billboard. In fact actually, they are a cheap method for promoting products and special events. During the Wold Cup of 2014, you could easily see all the fans sporting t-shirts of their favourite teams. Today, other than being a fashion statement, they also have the ability to show off political and cultural statements too. It’s possible funny tshirts can’t change the world but the messages they show are there for everyone to see. Very often we see celebrities taking up a cause and expressing it through the t-shirts they wear. Messages can be humorous, some carry political messages, while others may hint at a form of protest. We often see quotes from books, a line from a movie, or even a phrase you make up yourself on t-shirts, and it shows the impact they can have.

Most of us, love our t-shirts, and we do all we can to care for them whatever way we can. However there always comes a day, when its time to throw out our favourite funny tshirts. You can though, delay when that day may be by looking after your t-shirt. You should wash them in lukewarm water, using a mild detergent which doesn’t fade the colors of the design. If you do use a washing machine, you should use the delicate cycle and avoid using the tumble dryer. You should hang it out to drip dry fro best results, away from direct sunlight. It should be stored correctly away from direct sunlight, dust and moths. If you do this then you will prolong the lifespan of your favourite vintage t-shirt just the way you want them to be.